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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | import { readFile } from "fs-extra"; import Path from "path"; import l10n from "shared/lib/lang/l10n"; type ValidateOptions = { buildRoot: string; progress: (msg: string) => void; warnings: (msg: string) => void; }; export const validateEjectedBuild = async ({ buildRoot, progress = (_msg) => {}, warnings = (_msg) => {}, }: ValidateOptions) => { const vmIncludePath = Path.join(buildRoot, "include/vm.h"); const gameGlobalsPath = Path.join(buildRoot, "include/data/game_globals.i"); const vmInclude = await readFile(vmIncludePath, "utf8"); const gameGlobals = await readFile(gameGlobalsPath, "utf8"); const vmHeapSizeStr = vmInclude.match(/#define VM_HEAP_SIZE (\d+)/m)?.[1]; const maxGlobalVarsStr = gameGlobals.match(/MAX_GLOBAL_VARS = (\d+)/m)?.[1]; const vmHeapSize = parseInt(vmHeapSizeStr ?? "", 10); const maxGlobalVars = parseInt(maxGlobalVarsStr ?? "", 10); progress(`${l10n("COMPILING_VALIDATING_BUILD_FILES")}...`); Iif (isNaN(vmHeapSize) || isNaN(maxGlobalVars)) { warnings( "Unable to read VM_HEAP_SIZE and MAX_GLOBAL_VARS to determine if project contains too many unique variables" ); } Iif (maxGlobalVars > vmHeapSize) { warnings( `Your project contains too many unique variables and will not work as expected. VM_HEAP_SIZE defines the maximum amount of variables allowed ${vmHeapSize} but your project contained ${maxGlobalVars} unique variables.` ); } }; |